globalrythms@vva.com - Special Report

Christmas Celebrations at VVA


Mini Sports Festival - Class 4 & 5


He also congratulated Dempo Group for a good initiative taken to involve school children as they can make impressionable actions to bring in positive change in the environment. Giving the mantra to the people he iterated that rules and regulations are not just enough, one need institutions and organizations which will enforce these rules. Making an appeal to the business leaders he concluded with these remarks “produce in right way and consume in a right way”.

Goa Liberation Day Celebrated

Tr. Reshma, Tr. Shilpa and Tr. Sharmila co-ordinated the programme.
Chess Mania
Mini Sports Festival - Day III
Parents had come to cheer their kids and excitement was found in abundance, not only on the face of the children but also on the face of teachers and non-participants who specially came to cheer them up.

What matters in the end is the team spirit, participation and encouragement from parents, teachers and their team mates to keep them going towards the victory.
A) Face Painting
1. Kenneth Da Silva - Class 7
2. Sairaj Phaldessai - Class 7
3. Amar Shetty - Class 7
B. Making of a Newspaper
1. Ramola D'Silva - Class 6
2. Nikita Raposo - Class 7
3. Kareen Moraes - Class 6
C. Quizz
1. Daniel Alvares - Class 7
2. Tarun Mascarenhas - Class 7
We are proud of you dear children. Keep it up!!!
Mini Sports Festival - Day II

Mini Sports Festival Begins - Day I

Happy Birthday Ma'am
Students were seen engrossed in writing their paper. The exams will continue till 2nd of December.
V V - Our School Pet . . .

Pets give children the sense of unconditional acceptance, No judging or rating is involved."

Children learn the subtle cues their pets give them to indicate their feelings.
If properly supervised by adults, a child learns how to take care of another living being, and take pleasure in keeping the pet healthy and happy.
"Children are a reminder to all of us of the simplicity, purity, peace, joy and goodness that God wanted the world to be filled with."

Vidya Vikas Academy celebrated Children's Day on October 27, 28 and 29. Great joy and exuberance among the children marked the occasion and the festive air filled their little hearts with delight.

The staff presented an enthralling programme commencing with a prayer for our pupils followed by song and dance and a fashion show with a difference.

The children vied with one another to win the spot prizes and took home many a prize at the games stalls. Spot Quiz questions by the mobile quiz master and tattoo painting also proved enjoyable.

Our pupils are our ‘raison d’être’ and our prayers and best wishes will always be with them, that they may grow to be caring, respectful, responsible and diligent individuals who will thus be truly happy and successful.

Dear children, we at VIDYA VIKAS ACADEMY, wish you all a HAPPY CHILDREN’S DAY. May God bless you always.

Skit Competition Held
The skits showcased a message like - Honesty, Pollution, Saving Trees. Students of class 1 and 2 spoke confidently on 'People who help us', in our daily life. Such co-curricular activities help students to read, observe and learn more, All in an attempt to 'tune' their skills. The event was co-ordinated by Tr. Betsy Ferrao.
Are Laptops better than Textbooks? - You Choose

VVA Triumphs - Table Tennis Tournament
VVA wishes Shri. R. G. Kare on his 76th Birthday
Term I - Open House held
VVA Staff keeps up the tradition - wins Football match by 9-4 against Students

Pre-Primary students celebrate NAVRATRI

Happy Birthday Dearest Principal

VVA students do us proud !
Juniors : Kenneth Da Silva - Class 7
Seniors : Anjali Mascarenhas Class 9
The paintings of the following students will be put on display at the Convention :
Julian D'Costa - Class 7
Lionel Furtado - Class 7
Mayuki Viegas - Class 8
Nikita Raposo - Class 7
Sairaj Phaldesai - Class 7
Tahira Barretto - Class 7
Essay Writing
Juniors : Nikhil Rao - Class 8
Short Story
Juniors : Lyse Ann Fernandes - Class 6
Nilesh Afonso - Class 7
Juniors : Isabel D'Souza - Class 6
Karthika Pai Vernekar - Class 8
Lyse Ann Fernandes - Class 6
Seniors : Kavita Mallya - Class 9
Congratulations to all the prize winners. You can also see the results on www.cndpindia.org
The co-ordinators for the competitions were : Tr. Tania, Tr. Hema, Tr. Shaefali and Tr. Merexi.
The Thanksgiving Mass & Pooja Held
The mass was held at 9:00 am, Fr.Jena was the celebrant. The school choir sang the hymns and the various prayers were read by students and teachers.

The pooja started at 9:00 am, Lord Ganesh and Goddess Saraswati were worshiped, the Aarti was offered to the dieties at 1:00 pm and later the prassad was distributed to the members of the mangement, staff, students and their parents.
The mass & the pooja were well attended by the students and their parents.