“V V – our school pet was born in 2004 on the property on which our school building now stands. I remember her as a playful, lively little pup who would come up to my car as soon as she heard the horn on my many visits to the site during the construction of the new school building. She would follow me around, sit patiently during my discussions with the architect, engineer or contractor and then wistfully watch me drive away. And when the building was ready for occupation, V V stayed on and over these years, the children have grown to love and care for her. The Vidya Vikas Mandal Educational Campus is her home and she moves from one institution to the next according to their respective break timings. She’s at the Academy with the first child or teacher who comes in and leaves with the last person to leave.” Alan Rodrigues (Principal)
Pets teach children how to empathize with others, how to understand subtle feelings and how to look at the world from a vastly different perspective.
Pets give children the sense of unconditional acceptance, No judging or rating is involved."
Children who undergo traumatic experiences often cope better when they have a pet to confide in. "Loneliness is very dangerous to children, Having an animal companion can make them feel a part of something."
Children learn the subtle cues their pets give them to indicate their feelings.
If properly supervised by adults, a child learns how to take care of another living being, and take pleasure in keeping the pet healthy and happy.

Pets give children the sense of unconditional acceptance, No judging or rating is involved."

Children learn the subtle cues their pets give them to indicate their feelings.
If properly supervised by adults, a child learns how to take care of another living being, and take pleasure in keeping the pet healthy and happy.