A seminar was conducted by a resource person from the ASSET team at Vidya Vikas Academy on 25th of November 2010 to focus on the analysis of the previous ASSET Exam held in the school and to discuss the grasping power among the students.
ASSET – ASSESSMENT OF SCHOLASTIC SKILLS THROUGH EDUCATIONAL TESTING seminar focused on the advantages of the Asset exam for students and teachers. Asset enables students to apply their knowledge gained in the classroom and get opportunity to answer skill based questions. This exam helps teachers to gauge how the students are grasping the concepts taught in the class. They also understand how well the students have interpreted their teaching and where each class stands. Asset helps the school to understand the level of their students and compare it with the other schools in India. This exam is conducted by a group of IIM (Ahmedabad) alumni in various schools across the nation.

“As a teacher, I personally feel that every school should take asset into their yearly curriculum and give their students the opportunity to grow beyond the text.” says Tr. Shaefali Lendhay who had co-ordinated this exam in the past. The seminar was interesting and a motivational experience for the entire teaching faculty at VVA.