"Children are a reminder to all of us of the simplicity, purity, peace, joy and goodness that God wanted the world to be filled with."

Vidya Vikas Academy celebrated Children's Day on October 27, 28 and 29. Great joy and exuberance among the children marked the occasion and the festive air filled their little hearts with delight.

The staff presented an enthralling programme commencing with a prayer for our pupils followed by song and dance and a fashion show with a difference.

The children vied with one another to win the spot prizes and took home many a prize at the games stalls. Spot Quiz questions by the mobile quiz master and tattoo painting also proved enjoyable.

Our pupils are our ‘raison d’ĂȘtre’ and our prayers and best wishes will always be with them, that they may grow to be caring, respectful, responsible and diligent individuals who will thus be truly happy and successful.

Dear children, we at VIDYA VIKAS ACADEMY, wish you all a HAPPY CHILDREN’S DAY. May God bless you always.