Students of VVA conducted a special assembly on 27th Oct,2010 on the eve of festival of Diwali and Id-uz-Zauha which will be celebrated in mid November. The school was decorated with colourful flowers, diyas and rangoli.
Pupils of the pre-primary enacted the play of Ramayana depicting the life of Lord Rama, Sita and Laxman and their fourteen years of exile and their return to Ayodhya.

While the pupils of the primary and secondary demonstrated the various traditions of Diwali. (Lighting of Lamps, significance of Laxmi Puja, Bhau Bij, Tulsi Puja etc).
Diwali celebration was followed by the celebration of Id-uz-Zauha. Miss. Siya and Miss. Petalia of class 4 explained and narrated the story of the sacrifice of Prophet Ibraham and his son Prophet Ismail. The celebration was followed by fireworks and the children danced to various songs and had a fantastic time.

We at VVA wish you all a very happy Diwali - a prosperous New Year and Id Mubarrak.