Dempo Group of Companies in association with TERI-The Energy & Resource Institute has organised a Climate Change awareness programme for Goan School Children to mark the 75th Birth Anniversary of Late Shri. Vasudeva V. Dempo, the founder leader of the Dempo Group of Companies.
The next workshop was the CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP which was held at the same venue on 26th November 2010. Eight students along with Ms. Shaefali Lendhay and Mr. Sarvadnya Sambari attended the same.
Dr. Pachauri highlighted on the effects and gave stress on how industries and business leaders can bring in change in environment and make this planet a beautiful place to live for the generations to come. In his remarks he said “Climate Change is a symptom, of a much larger problem. Many species and water bodies are migrating to other habitats; many are facing threat while some others have become extinct”
He also congratulated Dempo Group for a good initiative taken to involve school children as they can make impressionable actions to bring in positive change in the environment. Giving the mantra to the people he iterated that rules and regulations are not just enough, one need institutions and organizations which will enforce these rules. Making an appeal to the business leaders he concluded with these remarks “produce in right way and consume in a right way”.

On this occasion an INITIATION WORKSHOP was held at the Conference Hall of Dempo House, Panjim – Goa on 8th September 2010. Some of the activities include workshops for teachers, various competitions for students like poster making, story writing, etc., field trips for teachers and students and webpage development on the awareness of climate change which will be carried out till end of year 2012. The main objective of this programme will be creating awareness on key climate change issues.

Ms. Shabani Kazi of TERI gave a presentation, and spoke to students about the difference between the weather and climate. She touched upon several issues like climate change, global warming, ice ages, green house effects, mitigation and adaptation. Ms Akshata Samant, lecturer, also shared her experiences on Environment Education teaching in schools. The last session taken by Mr. Clinton Vaz, demonstrated to students what happens if we do not segregate home waste.
As a part of this joint project, DEMPO-TERI organised, Late Vasudeva V Sinai Dempo Memorial Lecture, by Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Nobel Prize Winner, Eminent Climate Scientist & Director General, TERI on Bringing Respect for Nature in Economic Development on 15th December 2010 at Marriotts Beach Resort, Panjim Goa.

He also congratulated Dempo Group for a good initiative taken to involve school children as they can make impressionable actions to bring in positive change in the environment. Giving the mantra to the people he iterated that rules and regulations are not just enough, one need institutions and organizations which will enforce these rules. Making an appeal to the business leaders he concluded with these remarks “produce in right way and consume in a right way”.

As a part of the above project, VVA has organised a waste collection drive from 4th December to 15th December in the school premises. The students are asked to bring in used plastic bottles, newspapers, used dry batteries, tetra packs to school and put them in different labelled bins. This programme is organised by VVA to bring awareness among students that most things that they throw out in their dustbins in their houses can be recycled. By doing this they can reduce the harmful waste that goes from their home garbage bins to landfill areas. Ms. Shaefali Lendhay and Mr. Sarvadnya Sambari of Vidya Vikas Academy are the staff co-ordinators for this project.