Students of Vidya Vikas Academy were invited by Chowgule College of Arts & Science, Margao to participate in The Shakespeare Festival 2011, on 1st October. This festival is in its second year of production.
Graham Alphonsus won the first place in the Elocution Event - "Friends, Romans, Countrymen" on the topic on the topic "Blake as a poet." Daniel Ferreira Alvares won second place in the Soliloquy event with his rendition of Jacques' Seven Stages of Man from As You Like It. Sagorika Mazumdar recited Wordsworth's "Daffodils' (The Bard). In "Steal -A - Scene from Shakespeare", our students performed an abridged version of Act I from As You Like It.
Oliver De Mello (10A), Naitik Jain (9A), Sagorika Mazumdar (9A), Kinjal Vernekar (9A), Jude Sales (9A), Karthika Pai Vernekar (9 B), Daniel Ferreira Alvares (8B) and Tarun Mascarenhas(8A) performed their roles enthusiastically. Teacher Pamela Torcato trianed and accompanied the students. Appreciate Karen Pereira and Savia Gonsalves for their assistance.