The significance of this day was read out. A skit show cased how apathetic the youth can be. This was followed by a prayer service especially for the Elders.
Our school decided, to celebrate this Day with grandparents of our students, from classes 1 to 4. The Principal Dr. Alan Rodrigues, send out special invites, inviting the paternal and maternal grandparents, of these students. The grandparents were overjoyed and gave an overwhelming response. Hence we celebrated, this special day for two consecutive days – October 10th and 11th.
That evening the grandparents were welcomed by our Principal, refreshments like tea and snacks were also served. The most emotional moment was to see, the grandchildren presenting, handmade cards and flowers. The grandchildren were happy to compere the acts in the show. It began with a prayer song, later the entertainment programme like skit, dance, poems, mando, golden oldies in English, Portuguese and Konkani were performed. Some students shared their memorable moments. Some spot games were conducted and prizes were awarded.
Our students learnt to have, genuine desire to respect and be compassionate towards their grandparents and all Elder’s. Tr. Betsy co-ordinated the programme.
Our school decided, to celebrate this Day with grandparents of our students, from classes 1 to 4. The Principal Dr. Alan Rodrigues, send out special invites, inviting the paternal and maternal grandparents, of these students. The grandparents were overjoyed and gave an overwhelming response. Hence we celebrated, this special day for two consecutive days – October 10th and 11th.

Our students learnt to have, genuine desire to respect and be compassionate towards their grandparents and all Elder’s. Tr. Betsy co-ordinated the programme.