All Goa Mathematics Teachers’ Association (AGMTA) in collaboration with State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) conducted All Goa Mathematics Quiz for school students of Classes 8, 9 and 10 in all talukas of Goa. Students of Vidya Vikas Academy, Julian D’Costa (Class 8), Karthika Pai Vernekar (Class 9) and Shorya Chaturvedi (Class 10) participated at the Taluka Level Quiz held at M & N English High School on 20th September 2011, secured 2nd place and qualified for the State Level Quiz. There were around 20 schools which participated at the Taluka Level.
The State Level Quiz was held at GVM’s Almeida High School, Ponda on 27th September 2011. There were 27 teams from different schools all over Goa who had qualified for the Taluka Level. Vidya Vikas Academy students cleared the preliminary written round and qualified for the on stage rounds along with four other teams. Julian, Karthika and Shorya gave a tough fight to all the other teams and secured first place. Tr. Anju Anand was the co-ordinator for this quiz.