Story Telling Competition was held for Classes 1 to 5 of Vidya Vikas Academy in the month of September. All the students were given an opportunity to narrate a story in their own classroom. The best were selected and the final round of story telling competition was held on 28th September 2011 in the School Hall.
This competition helped the children to express themselves through narration, also to improve their vocabulary, diction and voice modulation. This was also a big confidence booster, to be able to speak infront of audience and judges. Tr. Andrea was the co-ordinator for this activity.
International Peace Day Held
A special Assembly was conducted on 21st September 2011 by the students of class 3 and class 4 of Vidya Vikas Academy to commemorate International Peace Day. The main theme of the assembly was to promote peace and harmony in the community and the world.
The students began the assembly with a Sanskrit prayer song. Later the students showcased a variety programme through skits, poetry and slogans on Peace. Posters on Peace made by the primary students were also displayed. Tr. Usha co-ordinated the assembly.

The Big Fight . . .
Inter class debates were held on 19th September 2011 for class 8 and on the 26th of September 2011 for class 7 in the School Hall. Pupils were given their topics a week in advance to prepare and plan out their arguments. The topic for class 8 was “There should be reservations for the minority classes” and for class 7, “Pupils should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets to school.” Both the opposing teams put up a good fight but the winners had their points well organized. The judges were Tr. Joemila, Tr. Carol and Tr. Shefali.
VVA Excels at Mathematics Quiz
All Goa Mathematics Teachers’ Association (AGMTA) in collaboration with State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) conducted All Goa Mathematics Quiz for school students of Classes 8, 9 and 10 in all talukas of Goa. Students of Vidya Vikas Academy, Julian D’Costa (Class 8), Karthika Pai Vernekar (Class 9) and Shorya Chaturvedi (Class 10) participated at the Taluka Level Quiz held at M & N English High School on 20th September 2011, secured 2nd place and qualified for the State Level Quiz. There were around 20 schools which participated at the Taluka Level.
The State Level Quiz was held at GVM’s Almeida High School, Ponda on 27th September 2011. There were 27 teams from different schools all over Goa who had qualified for the Taluka Level. Vidya Vikas Academy students cleared the preliminary written round and qualified for the on stage rounds along with four other teams. Julian, Karthika and Shorya gave a tough fight to all the other teams and secured first place. Tr. Anju Anand was the co-ordinator for this quiz.
VVA Students Win G.K Quiz
Students of Vidya Vikas Academy, Master Julian D'Costa and Master Tarun Mascarenhas of Class 8 participated at the Annual G.K Quiz organised by Bhatikar Model English High School, Margao on 17th September 2011. Around 20 schools participated in the Quiz. Julian and Tarun gave a tough fight and secured first place.
Pre-Primary Kids Celebrate Rainbow Day
The Pre-Primary kids of Vidya Vikas Academy had a special assembly on 16th September to celebrate Rainbow Day. Tr. Michelle conducted this assembly. The students came dressed in rainbow coloured clothes.
Mathematicians of the Day - Maths Quiz Held
A mathematics quiz was conducted for the pupils of classes 9th and 10th of VVA on 17th September 2011 in the School Hall. All pupils were given a chance to participate in the written preliminary round. Three students from each division of classes 9th and 10th made it to the finals.
In the final round, there were 3 teams, each team consisting of two pupils each from class 9 and class 10. The final round was an oral round. It was a brain storming session making it difficult for the audience till the last minute to judge the winner. Master Aaron Alphonsus(10 B), Master Eric Mesquita (10 A), Miss. Karen Pereira (9 A), Master Chirag Narvekar(9 A) won the quiz.
Miss. Savia Gonsalves and Master Judes Sales maintained the scores.Tr. Shaefali was the quizmaster while Tr. Anju was the co-ordinator for the quiz.
'HINDI DIWAS' Celebrated
The pupils of Vidya Vikas Academy conducted a special assembly to celebrate 'HINDI DIWAS' on September 14th 2011. On this day, Hindi was declared official language unanimously by the Constitutional Assembly in the year 1949 and since then, 14th September is celebrated as 'Hindi Day'.
Master Adnan of class 8 spoke on the occasion and highlighted on the importance of Hindi language, also the National Language of India. Students of Class 1 sang Hindi poems and songs. Hindi Teachers co-ordinated the assembly.
Tr. Archana Verma also attended a one day seminar on 'Hindi Diwas' held at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.
Tr. Archana Verma also attended a one day seminar on 'Hindi Diwas' held at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.
The Asset Ambassador Team conducted a Quiz for Teachers of Vidya Vikas Academy on 07th September 2011 on account of Teachers’ Day Celebration. To quiz was held in the VVA Hall. Each team had one teacher and one student each from classes 8 to 10. They had to answer a written preliminary elimination round. This round was based on the questions framed by the Asset Team and sent to the Asset Ambassadors. Five out of six teams were chosen for the final round. The teams were : 8A, 8B, 9A, 10A and 10B. Tr. Sandra, Tr. Anju, Tr. Sheetal, Tr. Pamela, Tr. Joble and Tr. Vichye participated along with students, Tarun, Kenneth, Jude, Shorya, Aaron and Karthika.
The teams that qualified for the final rounds had a tough fight. The first round was a direct objective round, while the 2nd and 3rd were the buzzer rounds. The teams performed with a lot of jest and enthusiasm. Tr. Joble and Master Aaron of class 10B won the quiz.
The Asset Ambassadors had a great time organizing the quiz. Julian D’Costa (class 8)and Sagorika Mazumdar (class 9) were the quiz masters. Kareen Moraes (class 7), Mallaika Alphonsus (class 5) and Astrid Gracias (class 6) maintained the scores. The quiz was a great success!!!
Unified Cyber Olympiad - 2011 Held
A Scientifically Designed Skill Based Assessment Test (Cyber Olympiad) was held on 07th Sept. in the school. Forty-Six students from classes 3 to 8 answered the Exam. Students were tested on Mental Ability, Reasoning, Computers and English.
The Assesment Test provides an opportunity for all students to gain a measure of their own achievement in external assessment situation. The results will be available at on 7:10:2011.
'THANK YOU TEACHER' - A Students' Presentation
It was indeed a truly touching and memorable teacher’s day celebrations by the pupils of classes 1 to 5 on September 09th and classes 6 to 10 on September 10th. The Pre-Primary also had their Teachers’ Day celebrations on September 09th.
As always, VVA pupils rose to the occasion and presented beautiful and touching programme showcasing their talents and expressing their love and gratitude for their teachers.
It made us teachers proud to see that they have imbibed so much from their school and their teachers to complement the cultures and values, ‘Sanskar’ which much come from every home.
Also touching was the numerous ex-students who came back to wish their teachers on this day.
Thank You Dear Children, our prayers and best wishes will always be with you.

It made us teachers proud to see that they have imbibed so much from their school and their teachers to complement the cultures and values, ‘Sanskar’ which much come from every home.

Thank You Dear Children, our prayers and best wishes will always be with you.
Vaibhavi honoured by V. M. Salgaocar Foundation
Manager of Vidya Vikas Academy Smt. Sheela H. N. Gaunekar along with Principal Dr. Alan Rodrigues & Staff members attended a function organised by V. M. Salgaocar Foundation held at the Grand Ball Room of GOA MARRIOTT RESORT, Miramar on 22nd August at 5.30 pm to felicitate the Top Ranked Students of Class 10 of the Goa Board and ICSE Examination held in March 2011.
The Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly, Shri Pratapsingh Rane was the Chief Guest for the function. Also present at the ceremony were brothers Shivanand and Dattaraj Salgaocar, trustees of the Foundation. Shivanand delivered the welcome address while Dattaraj proposed the vote of thanks.
Vaibhavi Prabhudesai from Vidya Vikas Academy, Margao received the cash Award, a merit certificate and two books published by the Foundation for standing first at the ICSE Examination, March 2011.

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