A workshop was held by TERI - The energy and Resource Institute at Vidya Vikas Academy on 18th February 2011. Ms. Shabana Kazi gave a talk and presented a powerpoint presentation to the students of class 6 and class 7 on Global Warming.
She explained to the students how Global Warming has always been there on our planet and that the very existence of life on earth is due to Global Warming. But due to excessive modernisation and development in all sectors we humans are now generating green house gases like Nitrous Oxide, Methane, CFCs and Carbon Dioxide and thereby increasing the temperature of the earth and adding to more problems.
She then conducted a Quiz having multiple choice questions which the students answered enthusiastically. She ended her talk with a documentary film showing the Forest and its conservation. The entire session lasted around 1 ½ hours.
In Vidya Vikas Academy the students from class 1 to 9 have started a campaign of collecting empty tetra packs and used plastic bottles from home and bringing them to school rather than dumping them in their dustbins .The school has also installed cylindrical composting bins at different corners of the school where the dried leaves, lawn grass and used paper will be collected and further converted into rich manure for the school garden.
Ms. Shaefali Lendhay co-ordinated the event.
She then conducted a Quiz having multiple choice questions which the students answered enthusiastically. She ended her talk with a documentary film showing the Forest and its conservation. The entire session lasted around 1 ½ hours.